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What are AirDrops in Apple devices? Are they safe?
AirDrops are files exchanged through an Apple-exclusive feature simplifying data transfers between Macs and iOS devices. However, hackers…
Is it safe to sign in with Google, Facebook, or Apple?
Signing in with Google, Apple, or Facebook accounts saves you from creating a new username and password set. Despite the convenience, single…
What is cybersquatting? Avoid sites imitating brands
Cybersquatting is an unauthorized registration and use of domain names linked to protected trademarks or people. People execute domain…
What is svchost.exe? Is it a virus?
A svchost.exe or Service Host file is a legitimate system process in the Windows operating system. However, users tend to confuse it with a…
Meaning of salting passwords for your accounts
Salting passwords is a process of adding random data sequences to passwords. It guarantees unique output for identical passwords and…
Can PDFs have viruses and infect devices?
Can PDFs have viruses? Yes, they can if attackers taint such documents with malicious code. Despite their benign appearance, PDFs can be a…
How to prepare for a breach and protect accounts
Steps for how to prepare for a breach are relevant to regular users, not just business owners. A breach does not necessarily entail a…
Cyber hygiene: best practices worth your time
Cyber hygiene involves coordinated software, device, network, and service maintenance. It consists of healthy cybersecurity habits like…
Cybersecurity tips for the next school year
Coming back to school is stressful enough, and cybersecurity for kids can get neglected amidst the chaos. However, digital security is one…