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Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities and risks they pose
Cross-site scripting (or XSS) is a sneaky invasion that turns benign and reliable websites into malware transmitters. Typically, hackers…
How to recognize scareware and its alarming tactics
Scareware is one of the sneakiest methods to prey on unwitting users. With bogus alerts and rogue programs, threat actors manipulate people…
Difference between TCP and UDP protocols
TCP and UDP protocols have a pivotal role in data transmission online. UDP is the ideal choice for time-sensitive communications, while the…
Sneaky clickjacking attacks and their prevention
Clickjacking is one of the trickiest and craftiest cyber attacks these days. Imagine you visit a website and see an appealing “Free iPhone…
Are NFC transactions and instant payments secure?
Near-field communication (NFC) is a feature available in nearly every mobile device. But, chances are, you haven’t noticed it before. The…
Using penetration testing to fight for a safer tomorrow
Penetration testing (or pen testing) is a simulated attack against a specific technology or service. Companies perform these tests to…
Fake VPNs on the rise, dangers and bogus offers
VPNs have a solid reputation as the protectors of users’ privacy. While media coverage usually shows their bright side, this technology has…
Deep packet inspection role in censorship and security
Deep packet inspection is a double-edged sword. While some label its application as intrusive, others claim that it offers a variety of…
Principles of social engineering and how it works
Social engineering refers to the manipulative strategies that convince people to perform a specific action. Differently than other threats…