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Why you should revisit smart TV privacy settings
A smart TV has become an irreplaceable gadget in millions of households. However, the homely cinematic atmosphere should not overshadow the…
Internet safety for kids: how to be cautious
Many parents treat the internet as an around-the-clock nanny, passively watching over their children. The impact of media use on kids is an…
What is OpSec and why do you need it?
Back in the '60s, OpSec was an essential ingredient to victory. It helped the U.S. military to prevent leaks of confidential information to…
What is spear phishing? Recognize tailored emails
Spear phishing is a targeted attack against particular individuals or companies. Many phishing campaigns are random, targeting thousands of…
Anonymous payment options in the world of 2021
“I’ll pay in cash” — a phrase we hear less frequently these days. People prefer contactless transactions instead of carrying handfuls of…
Why two-factor authentication is worth your time
Two-factor authentication (multi-factor authentication or 2FA) reforms the way we approach accounts and their security. Linking them to an…
Does a VPN slow down internet speed?
Every privacy-conscious netizen knows that VPNs are among the best online security tools. While they are incredibly useful, one of the main…
Firewall types
We all know what a firewall is: it stops a real fire from spreading. However, its virtual counterpart operates similarly. For over 25 years…
Is VPN passthrough still relevant?
A VPN passthrough is an obscure component of routers that gets overlooked due to its passive performance. Despite its silent operation, it…